Farm Fresh Eggs
Start a farm in your backyard. Yes, it’s possible to have a small farm in your backyard. Don’t give up, just yet great rewards are ahead. Now is the time to start! Make a list and plan your Spring hobby. All the supplies you will need can be purchased at your local hardware store or Tractor Supply.
Chickens are a good backyard farm animal that’s easy and fun to have. They are one of the easiest farm animals to keep. Chickens are a great hobby. As with all hobbies there is work involved. The chickens I will be talking about today are egg laying chickens. Great rewards lay ahead. Eggs!
- Shelter
- Roosting ledge
- Food storage
- Nesting boxes
- Feeder
- Waterer

- You will need a brooder box which provides shelter and heat. . Subsequently, after 3-6 weeks of age, they will begin to grow their adult feathers and can maintain their body temperature. At which time you can start letting them outside for brief periods. Above all, chicks need a warm environment to thrive. This will produce a greater likelyhood of success.
- Moreover, once acclimated to their surroundings you can leave them out more. A safe area from predators is necessary.
- Shelter- This shelter needs to be an area that will provide safety. Next, all around the perimeter of the shelter will need to have chicken wire placed down into the ground to prevent predators from going under your fencing. To summarize your quantity of birds will determine the sq footage you will need for your brood.
- A roosting ledge is always a must. Specifically, this provides an area for sleep and rest, and protection from predators. Above all, never place the roosting ledge above the nesting box. In fact, a fallen tree limb will make a good roosting ledge and can usually be found in your neighborhood.
- Also, food storage is necessary. Simply put you want it to be easily accessible, and it needs to be rodent free. Simply put, great locations for food is any area that isn’t open to the elements and keeps food moisture free in a safe location.
- Nesting boxes — once the brood is around 18 weeks old depending on the breed you will place pads in the boxes. The nesting box needs to have some type of ample padding. All types of nesting pads are available online for purchase. Staw, pine, or carpet can be used as pads. Overall, your pads help prevent egg breakage.
- Mold can be a major issues. Choose products that don’t hold moisture. Namely, good reviews on products will help you make a good choice. Nevertheless, create a soft nest that will keep eggs from breaking. Without a doubt whole unbroken eggs produce smiles.
- Feeders are a great option to provide continual food access for your chickens. In short, feeders cut down the workload involved in feeding. In other words, buy a feeder that holds a weekly supply of food.
- To sum up one more important product a chicken waterer can be purchased at Tractor Supply or your local farm store. It’s essential, to have water available at all times. Overall, this might be the most important step. This is to say, clean water is crucial to healthy chickens.
Lastly, to sum up your new hobby. Above all have fun! Especially enjoy the rewards!
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